Meet the Team

The team behind Backyard Farmer is composed of extension educators and field experts dedicated to providing practical gardening advice. With a wealth of knowledge in horticulture, lawn care, lansdcapes, pest management, and sustainable practices, they will help guide you through the challenges of maintaining healthy and productive outdoor spaces.



  1. Avatar for Kait Chapman
    Asst Extension Educator
  1. Avatar for Jody Green
    Assoc Extension Educator
  1. Avatar for Kyle Koch
    Asst Extension Educator
  1. Avatar for Wayne Ohnesorg
    Extension Educator
  1. Avatar for Matt Sousek
    Research Manager, Plant Science
  1. Avatar for Terri James
    Assoc Extension Educator
  1. Avatar for Amy Timmerman
    Assoc Extension Educator
  1. Avatar for Kyle Broderick
    Coordinator, Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic
  1. Avatar for Loren Giesler
    Department Head
  1. Avatar for Elizabeth Exstrom
    Extension Educator
  1. Avatar for Kelly Feehan
    Extension Educator
  1. Avatar for Sarah Browning
    Extension Educator
  1. Avatar for Jeff Culbertson
    Director, Landscape Operations
  1. Avatar for Dennis Ferraro
    Professor of Wildlife Biology
  1. Avatar for Scott Evans
    Extension Associate

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