Pocket Gophers

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Pocket Gophers in Your Garden or Lawn

Pocket gophers can cause significant damage to plants, underground utilities, and the overall appearance of your yard. These burrowing rodents create extensive tunnel systems and soil mounds, disrupting root systems, killing plants, and leaving the ground uneven. 


Trapping is a highly effective way to control gophers. Use specially designed traps such as box traps or pincer-type traps, and place them in the main tunnels near fresh mounds. Locate the tunnel by probing the soil, set the traps according to the manufacturer's instructions, and check them regularly to ensure success.

Exclusion and Habitat Modification

  • Underground Barriers: Install barriers made of hardware cloth or metal mesh around garden beds or vulnerable areas. Bury the barrier at least 18 inches deep and extend it above the soil surface for optimal protection.
  • Reduce Food Sources: Limit plants that attract gophers, such as alfalfa or clover, to make your property less appealing.
  • Repellents and Deterrents: Consider using vibrating stakes or repellents, though their effectiveness may vary depending on conditions.

By combining these methods, you can minimize pocket gopher activity and protect your garden or lawn from further damage.